Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Drugstore Beauty

masks the face and body, covers up sickness and deterioration, ignoring the truth about our body, how its make and how it should be maintained

Make up, volumizing shampoos, whitening toothpaste nail polish, self tanners, cellulite creams and anti aging creams only cover our body, they create a facade that washes away revealing the unattractive truth with a little soap and water

It’s a vicious cycle, modern lifestyle stamps out a woman’s youth and beauty with the wrong foods and lifestyles and then sends her out to buy chemically laden products to help her try look young and more beautiful. They appear healthy yet these same products cause further deterioration as many of the products we use are loaded with toxins: antiperspirants, tampons, chemically based face and body products to name a few, they seep poisons into our bodies that land in our tissues contributing to their damage

You can bleach your teeth, take medication to bring out a clear skin, use concealer to cover darkness under your eyes, enhance your breasts with the right bras and use self tan to make your legs look longer and slimmer but underneath it all is a degeneration body whose only hope to keep up appearances is to go further into this false beauty paradigm with every decade attempting to fend off the inner deterioration.

Make up, hair styles and wardrobe all have their place in a woman’s presentation and are part of the fun and natural inclination women have to be beautiful and creative, but what’s happened is that women have focused too much on their outer appearance and over looked that which actually has the greatest bearing on their appearance, vitality and state of being, namely the inner care and upkeep deep in the cells and tissues of our bodies.

Clean cells and open flowing pathways in the body are the only way to ensure true lasting health and beauty. When we care for the well being of our cells and the inner pathways to ensure that all is flowing well and clean inside we build a foundation of beauty, fight aging and develop a lovely physique. This is cellular cleanliness....we can be glorious, naturally radiant thin joyful and youthful looking, .....we have got to make the change not only for ourselves but our daughters!

When you are weighed down by your body or your inner pain, no matter how good an actress or actor you are, you are suffering and missing out on the pleasures of a free, happy life. Once you get the facts straight and learn what’s really going on, the relief is indescribable and healing rapid

Let’s blow the top of this charade that breeds more pain, unhealthy competition and suffering